Key Policies Every Business Should Have

What is a Company Policy?

Company policies are a set of internal guidelines that establish the rules and expectations of the company. They help communicate to employees what they can and can’t do, and how they should do it. Depending on the organization’s needs, various policies establish rules regarding employee conduct, attendance, dress code, privacy, and other employment-related areas.

Types of Company Policies

  1. Employee Conduct Policies

    Employee conduct policies outline the duties and responsibilities employees must adhere to. They cover appropriate behavior, dress code, workplace safety procedures, harassment policies, and computer and Internet usage. These policies also detail disciplinary procedures for inappropriate behavior, including warnings and termination.

  2. Equal Opportunity Policies

    Equal opportunity policies promote fair treatment in the workplace. These include anti-discrimination and affirmative action policies to ensure unprejudiced behavior towards race, gender, sexual orientation, and religious and cultural beliefs.

  3. Attendance and Time Off Policies

    Attendance policies set guidelines for work schedules, including how employees should schedule time off or notify superiors of absences or late arrivals. These policies outline the consequences for failing to adhere to schedules, such as allowable absences within a specified time frame and disciplinary actions for excessive absences.

  4. Substance Abuse Policies

    Substance abuse policies prohibit the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products during work hours, on company property, or during company functions. They outline smoking procedures, if allowed, and discuss testing procedures for suspected drug and alcohol abuse.

  5. Workplace Security Policies

    Security policies protect people, physical property, and intellectual property. They may include procedures for facility access, such as using ID cards and signing in guests, as well as guidelines for signing out company equipment. Computer security policies cover password changes, phishing attempt reporting, and restrictions on using personal devices to prevent malware spread.

  6. Health and Safety Policies

    Health and safety policies document the company’s responsibilities and duties to ensure workplace safety. They include procedures and instructions for work involving particular risks and conduct in emergency situations, aiming to prevent accidents and promote good health among employees.

  7. Social Media and Internet Use Policies

    Social media and internet use policies clarify the boundaries between professional and private use of the internet and social media. They stipulate what employees may and may not share online and the rules for using the company’s IT infrastructure, balancing personal rights with employer interests.

  8. Data Protection Policies

    Data protection policies address the handling of personal data of employees and customers, especially following laws like the Nigerian Data Protection Act (NDPA). They outline how personal data is used and the measures taken to protect it, reducing the risk of data protection violations.

  9. Working Times, Absences, and Holidays Policies

    Policies on working times, absences, and holidays clarify rules on weekly working hours, break times, work arrangement, and record-keeping. They also cover overtime and holiday entitlements, ensuring compliance with relevant labor laws and preventing disputes.


Just as laws and regulations are essential for maintaining order in society, company policies are crucial for the smooth functioning of a business. They provide a foundation for decision-making, ensure legal compliance, promote fairness, and protect the well-being of employees. By implementing and adhering to well-crafted policies, businesses can create a structured, efficient, and positive work environment where both the organization and its employees can thrive.

Contact us to get your tailored policy document today.

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