Frequently Asked Questions On Landlord and Tenant Matters

Frequently asked questions on Landlord and Tenant Issues


Can a Landlord force a tenant to leave?


While some Landlords forcefully evict tenants, it is the wrong way of eviction. A tenant who has been forcefully evicted has the right to seek legal redress


What does the law say about quit notice?


The law says that where  there  is  no  stipulation  as  to  the  notice  to  be  given  by  either  party  to  determine  the  tenancy,  the  following  shall apply-
(1) a  week’s  notice  for  a  tenant at will;
one  (1)  month’s  notice  for  a  monthly  tenant; three  (3)  months  notice  for  a  quarterly  tenant;
three  (3)  months  notice  for  a  half-yearly  tenant; and
six  months  notice  for  a  yearly  tenant


What is the minimum quit notice time?


The length of notice depends on the duration of the tenancy.

(1) a  week’s  notice  for  a  tenant at will;
one  (1)  month’s  notice  for  a  monthly  tenant; three  (3)  months  notice  for  a  quarterly  tenant;
three  (3)  months  notice  for  a  half-yearly  tenant; and
six  months  notice  for  a  yearly  tenant


How do I evict a stubborn tenant?


Serve the appropriate notice
1) a  week’s  notice  for  a  tenant at will;
one  (1)  month’s  notice  for  a  monthly  tenant; three  (3)  months  notice  for  a  quarterly  tenant;
three  (3)  months  notice  for  a  half-yearly  tenant; and
six  months  notice  for  a  yearly  tenant

At the expiration of the notice, if the tenant refuses to move out, Serve him a 7 days notice of Owners intention to recover possession.

If he fails to vacate the premises at the expiration of the 7 days then proceed to file a claim in court.


Can a tenant sue a Landlord in Nigeria?


Yes a tenant can sue a Landlord if the landlord has infringed on the right of the tenant.


How do I evict a tenant in Nigeria?


To evict a tenant, the law requires that you serve the appropraite notices and file a claim in court if the tenant refuses to vacate, then obtain judgement  to evict the tenant


What a Landlord cannot do?


This depends on your tenancy agreement but there are basic things a Landlord should not do such as
Enter without proper notice.

Unlawfully evict tenants.

Unjustifiably raise the rent.


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